Bull Run Plant
27672 Gum Spring Road
Chantilly, Virginia 20152
P.O. Box 217
Catharpin, Virginia 20143
Monday - Friday
6:30 AM - 4:00 PM
7:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Bull Run Plant
Started in the 1950’s, the Bull Run Plant was purchased by Luck Stone on June 21, 2002. This plant is located near the historic Bull Run Battlefield, and serves the growing Northern Virginia market.
The counties of Loudoun and Fairfax, and Prince William.
This quarry mines a type of rock known as Traprock by miners or diabase by geologists. Diabase is a dense igneous rock dark colored, greenish-black to bluish-black. It formed as hot magma surfaced from within the earth through fractures in other rocks already present near the surface. It is found in an area from Frederick, Maryland down to near Gordonsville in Va. This area experienced activity about 200 million years ago which caused the diabase magma to rise up through existing rocks and spread out on the surface in volcanic flows known as sills. It also formed narrow and deep vertical dikes within fractures in some places. The sills and dikes cooled into a hard rock composed mainly of pyroxene, a dark mineral containing iron, and plagioclase, a lighter mineral in weight and color. Other minerals lending to the green-black color are epidote and hornblende.
Safety Data Sheet: Crushed Concrete, Granite